Saturday, March 8, 2008

on the mend and snow storm

well, fevers are all gone and the kids are once again driving me insane so they must be feeling better, lol
Its amazing what 24 hours of anitibiotics can do for three little kids.

It started snowing shortly after I returned home form my errands yesterday, we got about 6 inches. Then it rained all night! The roads were a mess this morning. Now it is snowing yet again and we are supposed to get an additional 2-4 inches tonight. Is it Spring yet!!

Speaking of Spring, I am pretty sure we spring ahead tonight, with no spring weather anywhere in sight!! Oh well, I guess it is bound to get here sooner or later, right? I mean it can not possibly stay winter forever, or can it?

We had plans to actually get a sitter and go out tonight for a friend of mines 30th Brithday. Mark is on his way to pick up my sister, Danielle, as I type this. I happened to check my myspace messages right before starting this, and guess what...she has cancelled the outing due to the inclement weather. Now I dont blame her at all, and I am actually glad in one way that we do not have to drive tonight in this crap, but my sister is already on her way and now we dont get to go out. We never go out, so I was looking forward to some adult conversation and a couple of drinks before I get pregnant and can't drink for the next 9 months, lol Oh well!! Maybe next weekend! Unless, of course, we are still digging out of this snow next weekend!! LOL No, that couldn't possibly happen, not in Northeastern Ohio!

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