Wednesday, March 5, 2008

OH FEDEX man, where are you??

8am~~~I am sitting here, waiting for the big old box of meds to arrive! Only a surrogate would ever look forward to a big box of needles and odd, mood changing, weight gain causing, bottles of hormones to arrive. I can not wait to see what all is in store for me in the next couple of weeks and if the transfer is successful and I end up pregnant it will continue for the first 8-12 weeks of the pregnancy.

11am~~~oh FEDEX man...


where oh where is my fedex man, oh where oh where can he be...

Does he not realize I am dying to open that great big box of meds today!

I have been up listening to every car, truck, and postal vehical that has come anywhere near my street since 7 am. It is now 11, aaaahhhhhhhh!!

Ok, I am alright, just had to get that out!!

Now back to the window I go to watch the street,in hopes he will be pulling in any minute now!!

I am sure that there are a million things I could be doing right now, but I just can not pull myself away form the front window!! My neighbors probably think I am a crackhead or something,

If you want to send me some be patient vibes I would gladly except them, lol

Update part2
11:30am~~~Ok so I hear the truck puling up and the dog starts his, someone is here I am so freaking happy, dance!! So I move to the window....


I get the package which mind you is absolutley enormous!!!!!

Surround sound equipement my DH ordered!!! UGH!!! oh and another small soft package that is the curtains I bought for my bedroom. So as I am opening the curtains, because I had forgotten about them, I ordered them 3 weeks ago and they were on backorder til April23, well they came early, lol
so, as I am opening them the dog starts the dance again, he is a jack russell so by dance I totally mean, jumping as high as my shoulders and barking his head off!!! I look out my bedroom window and its him, the Fedex truck is pulling in!!!

yay, they are here!!! I got the little sharps container and all!!

woofreakinwho!!!! what a great day for deliveries!!!

Curtains are up, meds looked at and put away from little 3 and 5 year old hands and a call in to the clinic because they forgot my prenatals and I had to give them the fax number to my local clinic so they can fax the orders for my monitering U/s and B/W!!!

Now I get to not so patiently await 10pm on Sunday night to start the lupron!!

thanks for tuning in, and back to your regularly scheduled lives!!

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