Sunday, April 20, 2008

Never updated...

So I never updated that the BETA was negative as I had feared. Griff is out of town on business, April 28th Sam and Griff have an appointment to get the next transfer underway. I am waiting for my period to come as I type, it will be here soon! I hope to know more the week of the 28th. Not sure if we will get in for a late June transfer or if it will be in July, either way we will get to take the kids to D.C. this trip which will be fun.

On other fronts, Mark bought the kids a go-cart last week and had to do some work on it. Wed night he got it working and decided to take it down our deadend road on a test drive. Well, I see him go past the driveway then the sound of the engine reved up and then it was quiet, so I figured the engine stalled out. Well, then my cell phone rings and Mark says in a very shaky voice, "I wrecked!" I ran for the truck and yelled for the kids to get int he house I'd be right back. I get to the end of the road and Mark is struggleing to get out form under the go-cart. He gets out and cant stand up. GREAT!!!!

Here the trottle stuck wide open, Mark thinks he was going at least 45 miles an hour and the breaks went out!!!d He hit the end of the deadend and the mud, and flipped end over end!! He luckily never hit his noggin, but he did sprain his ankle pretty bad. We went to urgent care and he was given an air cast and told to take tylenol or advil, they were so helpful, NOT!!! So, needless to say he was home Thur and Fri and all weekend, he better be going back to work tomorrow, lol

We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Sat the 19th! We went to breakfast and then I did some yard work, lol We never do anything special, we kinda suck that way!! lol The weather was nice, I actually broke out he shorts and showed off my snow white legs, lol

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