Thursday, April 10, 2008

been a while

So I know I haven't updated since we left for the transfer, I will take a few minutes to now.

Lets see, Friday, I had to finish packing for everyone. I had to run to Marks work to exchange trucks with our friend Mike, he has an extended cab Dodge Dakota with a cap onthe back in case it were to rain, which of course it was. Now we had room to sit comfy with sissy in the backseat and the luggage in the back protected by the cap. Then after the bus came at 3:30 I had to run Dylan to his dads to drop him off. Marks dad who was keeping Gage was over on this side of town so while I was gone delivering Dylan he came to pick up Gage. We loaded up the truck and hit the road at about 5:15. It was an uneventful drive, we stopped once for gas and to go potty. Sissy was very good and even slept about an hour or so. Mapquest was right on with the directions and we arrived at the hotel at 10:30. Then we ran into a snafu. the front desk took my itinerary and pulled everything up, but then asked me for the credit card it was booked under. I said my friend booked it for us, its her credit card, she faxed all the info to you on Mon to avoid this problem. So he goes to look for the fax, to no avail, I had to call Sam at 10:40PM!!! Ugh, but she faxed it again and we were in our room a mere 5 minutes later. Sissy who woke up during all of this. decided that she needed a bath before bed, lol So, while we settled in, sissy took a bath, then we went to bed.

We had free breakfast with our room, so we got up early and headed down to eat, yummy, I love breakfast, lol We then headed south to visit a friend of Marks from the Marines, Don, he is still serving (18years) and is stationed at Quantico. We visited with he ans his wife, Jen, for a while then we all decided to jjump int he car and go to the Marine history museum. It was fun! The Marines was a time before me, so it was fun to listen to them all talk. Jen was like one of the guys, she and Don married 14 years ago and Mark was at the wedding so they all had lots of memories to share. Of course I got to see some photos of all the good times they shared in Californina together.

Once we left the museum, we traveled north to hit the hotel to grab my shot that I didn't think of bringing with us when we left in the morning. We missed our exit for the hotel and made it almost all the way to Sam and Griffs before we were able to get off the interstate and turn around, lol! Got back to the hotel and noticed sissy had spilt her juice in her lap but she was sleeping so I let her sleep and ran to the room for a change of clothes and my shot. We finally make it to Sam and Griffs!! We all chit chatted a bit while Griff cooked burgers on the grill. We filled our bellies up, then moved to the play room to watch the girls play. Meredith is so little and just as cute as a button. Sissy and Meredith hit it off pretty well. They made a huge mess but had a good time doing so. I wish we would have had more time to just sit around and visit but we got there late and the girls need their beauty rest, lol, they are little princesses ya know!! LOL

So, transfer day! The embies weren't doing so well and we were told we "should" have 1 good one to transfer! Well, we got to the clinic and the waiting room was packed, they had some non-appointments just show up so it was a crouded house for a Sun. Griff and Sam drove separately so griff could leave at noon to get back to releave Grandpa of his babysitting duties. It was getting down to the wire, but luckily the nurse came out to get Sam and I right as he was having to leave. Mark stayed with sissy inthe waiting room and Sam and I went in to gown up and whatnot. The nurse comes in and I sign some papers and get instructions for what to do and not to do after the transfer. Then the Doctor comes in and to our great relief he tells us that one of the embies had a growth spurt and that we are transferring two. yay!!

We both got to see the embies with the microscope, they were so cute, lol The Dr. gave us both the babies 1st photos, lol Photobucket
one is a blast (very good=5days old) the other is called a murula (4days old). I will save you the gory details for the transfer, lets jsut say I was mortified after the third speculum needed to be found becuase my cervix is very high!! LOL After the transfer I rested in an inclined postition for 1/2 hour, Mark came in while Sam went to sit with a sleeping Sissy! We all hugged and went our separate ways. I to my hotel bed for the next 24 hours and Sam to her lovely home.

We ordered roomservice and a movie! After that I took a nice long nap, actually when I woke up Mark and Sissy were also napping, lol We rented a second movie, then that was pretty much our day. We had to check out of the hotel at 12 even though I should have been on bedrest til 1 or 1:30ish, but I dont think that hour is gonna hurt anything. I was sitting in a car for the next 5 hours, not like I was running a marathon or anything. We got into town earlier than we had first thought we would so we called our friend Lori that was watching Gage for us on Monday, and met them at the park, Sissy got to run off some bottled up energy! We ordered a pizza ont he way home and waited for Dylans dad to bring him home.

All-in-all the trip was nice, we had pretty good weather, a little drizzle on the way down and back but not much. tuesday I took it easy! I am trying ot keep myself occupied so that I do not sit here fretting over if I am prego or not. If it is gonna happen this time it will, there is nothing any of us can do to change what will happen. I hope to get a positive on a home pregnancy test long before our scheduled blood test on Wed the 16th. But if not that will be the day we know for sure, and have to plan what to do next. Although, we pretty much have a game plan for a round two if it is needed. But it is just too early to know one way or another just yet.

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