Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I ran out to get my BETA (blood pregnancy test) right after Dylan got onthe bus this morning, got there at 8:50, didn't get the bllod drawn til after 10, ugh! I did some running around after that to waste time so that I wasn't here all day waiting for the phone to ring, lol I got home and there was a package on my front porch (some maternity clothes I had purchased off a friend online) She is the same lady that sells all of us surros cheap pee sticks. Well, I open the box and she included 30 pee sticks, she is so very nice, 30 can you believe that? Now I wont have to purchase more, although I probably will anyways, lol

As I was carrying my box, I noticed a note hanging on the door knob, a flower delivery place wanted me to call them. So, I call and they ask if I will be home for a while and I say yes. Within 10 minutes the truck was pulling in and the man handed me this...
They are from my IP's because my Grandma died, how very nice of them and it truely made me smile! Thank you Sam and Griff!! They are beautiful and smell so nice!

It's just about 4pm and I still haven't heard from the clinic yet about the BETA. I am anticipating a negative result, I tested negative on a home test just this morning! I am bummed to say the least and I know that Sam and Griff wil be as well, but the bright side of it is, we can (well they can) get in to the clinic to get the ball rolling again soon. Hopefully, we have better success the second time around! And we will get ot go down and spend more time with them in the summer, and take the kids to D.C. to do some site seeing. That will be fun!

1 comment:

MNjen said...

Aw man! I would be calling them, hounding them for the beta results! I'm sorry Kari. Its awesome that you are remaining so positive about moving onto the next cycle though. Maybe we'll be due date buddies since my transfer is mid-May?

(This is MNjen from SMO)