Monday, April 6, 2009

first u/s

So, we had our first u/s this morning! Looks like our due date is slightly off from what I had calculated, I will change the tickers when I know more. We saw one little bean in there this time, which is overall better than 2 or 3, lol. We are right on track according to the due date the RE gave me this morning, so that is Dec 5, 2009. We have one sac with the beginnings of a yolk sac, but no fetal pole which is fine if we are only 5w1d pregnant. We will have the heartbeat u/s in two weeks, on April 20 and Sam is gonna try to come up for that appointment, hopefully she will be able to make it this time. S & G had a scare with M over the weekend and she had to miss out on this first one. M is ok, so hopefully she remains in good health and S gets to have a night alone in a hotel room with a good book and then gets to see her new addition's heartbeat the next day.

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