Thursday, June 5, 2008


So i have really been slacking on this blog!

We are moving right along in our new cycle. I had an u/s yesterday and the tech asked if I was transferring in the next few days, I said not really, transfer isn't for 10 more days, she said my lining is good enough to transfer now, lol 18mm already! So, my lining isn't slacking at all. I have had a few dreams the last week that kinda scare me but hopefully they are a good sign that this transfer will work.

Picture of my new niece Ella Jane Long!

We have been very busy finishing up our little projects around the house before our company comes the end of the month. I have been hanging pictures and so forth. I will post pics of the after as soon as it is complete. I have some more wood to stain but it has been raining here for the last 3 days so I can't get all the wood out and done in between rain drops and I am not stinking up the house with fresh stain smell, lol

Kids' first day of no school, has been ok so far but it is only 10am so we shall see if I end up pulling any of my own hair out today or if I can hold out for a couple of more days, lol


Andrea said...

Awww...How PRECIOUS!!!

Jenifer said...

Very cute!

Found your blog through SMO, and I just resurrected my blog to follow my first journey!

Can't wait to read more!!